Nemohu nevzpomenout oblečení přítomných, my jsme to s přítelem
pojali slavnostně, ale někteří co tam dokázali na sebe obléct, byl vážně
unikát, opět se našli mezi diváky Jeans se sakem, nebo bílé legíny s tričkem,
nebo jsem tam dokonce viděla ženu v letech v tmavých punčocháčích a halenou těsně pod zadek (styl pytel) …
Zajímavé je to, že když se díváte kolem sebe v tam noblesním
prostředí jako je divadlo, vždy najdete pěkně oblečené převážně starší páry
manželů, nebo starší dámy, málo kdy je pěkně oblečená žena ve středních letech
a o mladých bohužel ani nemohu mluvit. Je to hodně velká škoda, že se lidi
neumí pěkně obléct do takové společnosti, toto bych klidně nechala učit ve škole,
jako povinný předmět, protože to je opravdu ostuda nevědět jak se obléct na
určité situace a do určitého prostředí. Jak vypadáme, je přece základ ne?
Příště jdeme na koncert Ondřeje Havelky ….
Proto ukázku můj
modýlek …., přítel se nechtěl nechat vyfotit, ale měl oblek
On Wednesday we were on a stage production Světáci, of the same film, directed Lumír Olšovský game, I played there. It was very relaxed and wittily conceived, that much fun. Played a total of 10 actors, including the famous Martin Zounar, Lumír Olšovský, Mahulena Bočanová, Vlasta Peterková and the rest was not so familiar to me. Overall, it took 2.5 hours with a break even. I recommend to all ....
I can not recall attending clothes, we did it with a friend conceived the ceremony, but some of what they were able to dress himself, he was really unique, again, the audience found the jacket with jeans or leggings with a white shirt, or even there I saw a woman in years dark tights and blouse just below the bottom (style bag) ...
Interesting is that when you look around in there like the refined atmosphere of the theater, you will always find nice clothes mostly older couples spouses or elderly ladies, which is a pretty little woman dressed middle-aged and young, unfortunately I can not even speak. It's very great pity that people can not dress nicely in such a society, that I still had to learn in school as a compulsory subject, because it's really a shame not to know how to dress for certain situations and in certain environments. As we look, the base does not it?
Next time we go to the concert .... Ondrej Havelka
Therefore, my sample modýlek .... did not want to let a friend take a picture, but should suit
On Wednesday we were on a stage production Světáci, of the same film, directed Lumír Olšovský game, I played there. It was very relaxed and wittily conceived, that much fun. Played a total of 10 actors, including the famous Martin Zounar, Lumír Olšovský, Mahulena Bočanová, Vlasta Peterková and the rest was not so familiar to me. Overall, it took 2.5 hours with a break even. I recommend to all ....
I can not recall attending clothes, we did it with a friend conceived the ceremony, but some of what they were able to dress himself, he was really unique, again, the audience found the jacket with jeans or leggings with a white shirt, or even there I saw a woman in years dark tights and blouse just below the bottom (style bag) ...
Interesting is that when you look around in there like the refined atmosphere of the theater, you will always find nice clothes mostly older couples spouses or elderly ladies, which is a pretty little woman dressed middle-aged and young, unfortunately I can not even speak. It's very great pity that people can not dress nicely in such a society, that I still had to learn in school as a compulsory subject, because it's really a shame not to know how to dress for certain situations and in certain environments. As we look, the base does not it?
Next time we go to the concert .... Ondrej Havelka
Therefore, my sample modýlek .... did not want to let a friend take a picture, but should suit
Košile Zara, šatovka šitá na míru, brož
Reserved, hodinky Tommy Hilfiger, pásek Reserved, punčochy Baťa, boty Baťa
Zara shirt, dress material tailor-made brooch Reserved, Tommy Hilfiger watches, belt Reserved, stockings Bata, Bata shoes
Zara shirt, dress material tailor-made brooch Reserved, Tommy Hilfiger watches, belt Reserved, stockings Bata, Bata shoes
kabát – ten už jsem tu jednou měla, navíc tu mám psaníčko Top Secret
Sewn coat - the one that I once had, plus I have a Top Secret love letter
Sewn coat - the one that I once had, plus I have a Top Secret love letter
Super :D už dlouho jsem se takhle nezasmál jako při Vaší kritice oblečení návštěvníků a pak fotografií Vašeho zjevu - něco mezi stylem pipi dlouhá punčocha a učitelkou z porno filmu před akcí :DD opravdu výborné - rád si na Světáky zajdu v riflích a bude mi fajn :)
OdpovědětVymazatSuhlasim tuto s panom. Len mne nie je na zabavu... ja nedokazem pochopit, ako sa moze niekto takto zhovadit a este to davat na web.
OdpovědětVymazatDievca! Oblecenie sa doladuje nielen farebne, ale aj tvarovo, stylovo, materialom a uplne v prvom rade (a to vie aj male dieta) VELKOSTOU. Saty, ktore tu fotis, su ti velke, materialy su hrozne, kabaty historicke... Chod sa poobzerat niekam do mesta na ludi okolo seba, a nepozeraj na nich kriticky, ale skus pochopit ich vkus a nieco sa naucit. To je uprimna rada.