Praha volá !!!
Dnes jen krátce, na fotkách vám ukáži mé zápolení s balením kufru, ne a ne se zavřít, ale zvítězila jsem:).
Ještě večer odjíždím k rodičům a ráno nás čeká výjezd směr Praha, na tuto akci, už se moc těším a pokusím se vám aktuálně fotit co zažiji, snad vše půjde a najdu wifi.
Užijte si zbytek týdne a brzo se těšte na nové fotky!
Today only briefly, the pictures will show you my struggle with packing a suitcase, no, not close, but I won :).
In the evening I leave to the parents and in the morning we will visit Prague direction, for this event, I'm looking forward to and I'll try to take pictures of what I was to have currently, hopefully everything will go and find wifi.
Enjoy the rest of the week and soon look forward to the new photos!
In the evening I leave to the parents and in the morning we will visit Prague direction, for this event, I'm looking forward to and I'll try to take pictures of what I was to have currently, hopefully everything will go and find wifi.
Enjoy the rest of the week and soon look forward to the new photos!
Haha, I completely understand the difficulty of putting way too many things in a suitcase--my boyfriend often has me sit on the suitcase so we can close it completely. ;) Hope you're having lots of fun in Prague, I hear it's a beautiful city!
OdpovědětVymazatWith love from San Francisco, California, USA,
To mi připomíná občas mě. :)
OdpovědětVymazatUžij si PFW!
Já si snad nějakou tu vstupenku koupím. Co bys doporučila, ale už mi asi neodpovíš....
OdpovědětVymazatJá jdu na Hanu Havelkovou a Fendi a roberto Cavalli, což je dnes, doporučuji víc info v mém clanku
VymazatMaking a suitcase is always a nightmare!! hahaha great job!
OdpovědětVymazatyour blog is amazing!!! love it so much!