Armani Jeans
Hezké ráno všem,
chci se s vámi podělit o radost, kterou jsem měla z dárku, který jsem dostala od manžela k výročí svatby. Avizovala jsem v minulém článku. Je to kabelka Armani Jeans s peněženkou. Obojí je v šedé barvě, kterou jsem opravdu ve své sbírce kabelek neměla a trefil se. Obě věci vybíral sám, tak že mi o to více udělal radost a vím, že ví co nosím a je rád že ho reprezentuji. Kabelka je širšího tvaru, mám ověřeno, že mi pasuje a vleze do ní plno věci z práce i mini nákup. Peněženku mám poprvé tohoto tvaru a musím říct, že jsem spokojená, je přehlednější a mám větší pořádek v kartách než v předešlé menší peněžence, nehledě na to že se dá nosit i jako psaníčko bez kabelky. Dárky se povedly a jsem z nich nadšená, ještě jedno děkuji:).
Nice morning to all ,
I want to share with you the joy that I had a gift that I received from my husband for our anniversary . I was advised in the previous article . It's Armani Jeans handbag with wallet. Both are in gray color , which I really in my collection of handbags is not a hit . Both things picked myself, so that I made it all the more fun and I know that he knows what to wear and love that it represents. Handbag has a broader shape, I have verified that fits me and fits into a lot of things from her work and mini purchase. My wallet for the first time this shape and I must say that I am satisfied , is clearer and I have more cards in order than in previous smaller wallet , not to mention that it can be worn as a love letter without handbags . Gifts are a success and I'm excited about them , thank you again :) .
I want to share with you the joy that I had a gift that I received from my husband for our anniversary . I was advised in the previous article . It's Armani Jeans handbag with wallet. Both are in gray color , which I really in my collection of handbags is not a hit . Both things picked myself, so that I made it all the more fun and I know that he knows what to wear and love that it represents. Handbag has a broader shape, I have verified that fits me and fits into a lot of things from her work and mini purchase. My wallet for the first time this shape and I must say that I am satisfied , is clearer and I have more cards in order than in previous smaller wallet , not to mention that it can be worn as a love letter without handbags . Gifts are a success and I'm excited about them , thank you again :) .
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