Ahoj všem po víkendu, jak jste ho strávili? Já rodinně a jelikož byla šílená zima a déšť, tak taky lenošením.
Ráda bych vám představila nákupy tohoto týdne:
1) pruhované tričko (žluto-bílé) - New Yorker, na proužky jsem ulítlá, tak jsem ho v obchodě nemohla nechat a navíc je prodloužené s 3/4 rukávem
2) konečně mám asi jako úplně poslední píšící blogger mentolové tričko, dlouho jsem to pravé hledala, aby nebylo drahé a splňovalo trend a hlavně abych ho použila i další sezony, i když nikdo nevím jaké barvy poletí: ), (New Yorker)
3) růžový svetr (odstín je trochu do meruňkova) barva na fotce je spíš růžová, ale ve finále je prostě trochu meruňka : ), Terranova
4) úplně největší radost mi udělala moje skoro dvorní vietnamka, která mi sehnala přesně podle mých představ tmavě modrou kabelku ve tvaru A4, kterou jsem sháněla hodně dlouho
Jak se vám vše líbí?
Hezký vstup do nového týdne a díky za komentáře
Something new:)
Hi all after the weekend, how did you spend? Family and because I was crazy cold and rain, so too lounging.
I would like to introduce you to purchase this week:
1) striped shirt (yellow-white) - New Yorker, I ulítlá into strips, so I could not leave the shop and is also extended to 3/4 sleeve
2) Finally, I have about a blogger who writes the very last peppermint shirt, long I was looking for the right not to be expensive and meets the trend and used it mainly to other seasons, even though nobody knows what colors will fly:), (New Yorker)
3) pink sweater (the shade is a little apricot) color in the photo is more pink, but in the end is just a little apricot:), Terranova
4) very greatest pleasure I took my almost Vietnamese court, which I just got in my imagination a dark blue purse in the shape of the A4, which I was looking for a long time
How do you all think?
Nice start to the week, and thanks for the comments
I would like to introduce you to purchase this week:
1) striped shirt (yellow-white) - New Yorker, I ulítlá into strips, so I could not leave the shop and is also extended to 3/4 sleeve
2) Finally, I have about a blogger who writes the very last peppermint shirt, long I was looking for the right not to be expensive and meets the trend and used it mainly to other seasons, even though nobody knows what colors will fly:), (New Yorker)
3) pink sweater (the shade is a little apricot) color in the photo is more pink, but in the end is just a little apricot:), Terranova
4) very greatest pleasure I took my almost Vietnamese court, which I just got in my imagination a dark blue purse in the shape of the A4, which I was looking for a long time
How do you all think?
Nice start to the week, and thanks for the comments
Koukám, že nákupy se povedly:-). Já bych nejvíc brala tu kabelku, oujé...